How to Break Free from Misalignment in Your Business [ep. #215]

How to Break Free from Misalignment in Your Business

Hello lovely lady and welcome to The Subconscious Expert!

It's time to break free from misalignment in your business! In today's episode, we're going to discuss misalignment in business because it has been arising for many of my clients lately. So if you're an ambitious female entrepreneur and you don't feel the same excitement as you did when you started your business, you are in the right place.

Together, we'll explore what happens when you no longer feel aligned with your business, the signs that indicate you're out of alignment, and how these subconscious fears can manifest. I'll provide you with a few journal prompts to help you identify the misalignment areas in your business, we'll challenge any limiting beliefs that might hold you back, and I'll show you how to take intentional action that resonates with your true mission and values. 

Ready to break free from misalignment in your business and return to your true values and purpose? Tune in!


Topics covered on Misalignment in Business:

  1. What are the tell-tale signs that you're out of alignment in your business?

  2. Neuroscience behind misalignment in business explained.

  3. How to identify misaligned areas in your business?

  4. Subconscious stories that might be keeping you from stepping into your next level.

  5. What subconscious tools can help you embody your aligned self?

  6. How to create a sense of safety and help your subconscious to get on board with your big goals?


Connect with Rebecca Haydon:


Resources mentioned in this episode:



" If you are feeling out of alignment, stop ignoring it." - Rebecca Haydon



Our AI tried its best, but expect a few quirky typos in the transcript. Embrace the imperfections and enjoy the read!

[00:00:00] You are listening to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one way ticket to the mind blowing results you desire in your life and business. I've said it before, and I will say it a hundred times again. Your business cannot outgrow your mindset, and if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious.

[00:00:26] So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve. 

[00:00:31] Hello, beautiful lady, and welcome back to The Subconscious Expert. Today, we're diving into a topic that has hit home for so many of my one to ones. Probably over the last couple of years, and I always find the misalignment comes out when we work together, because we do so much of the subconscious work, but I feel is happening with so many ambitious female entrepreneurs at the moment.

[00:00:58] And that is. Alignment, or to be honest, rather, what happens when you don't feel aligned with your business anymore? And I'm going to lovingly call you out on this podcast episode, as I do, with what's going on when you are keeping yourself stuck in misalignment. And We're actually going to go through a couple of ways to break free from that, really step into the business you know you're meant to have, but more than anything, come back to like, your value, your mission, your purpose, your why, from a really powerful space.

[00:01:36] So, let's get started. The first thing I wanted to have a look at is some really kind of external, tangible signs that you are currently out of alignment in your business. Now, if you feel very aligned in your business right now, this might be a bit of a reflection of how misaligned you felt before and how you've moved into that.

[00:01:56] But there's probably some juice in here that you want to listen to anyway. So let's I want to talk about what being out of alignment looks like. And I see this so often. Like I said, a lot of my one to one clients come to me where they've built their business to a certain point. They're probably quite happy with that.

[00:02:13] Uh, they're signing clients or they have signed clients, but now they feel like something is missing. So they wake up, they do their, you know, to do list, but actually none of it is missing. It is exciting them anymore. There may be working with clients that don't light them up anymore. Um, clients that they, they thought they wanted, but now kind of feel like a chore.

[00:02:38] Their offers feel a bit meh, their content feels forced. And deep down there is this knowing, like I'm made for more. I'm meant to be the business owner who stands in her power or who everyone in her niche turns to. But here they are, stuck in the same patterns, doing the same things, that kind of aren't working anymore.

[00:03:05] And this frustration comes in. So, These are kind of all telltale signs that something is out of alignment and it's not just about your strategy because misalignment always, always starts deep within the subconscious. When you're feeling stuck, when you're feeling stagnant, when you feel like you are spinning your wheels, it's your subconscious waving a motherfucking red flag and Sometimes we don't listen.

[00:03:35] Sometimes we go, no, no, no, like we'll carry on. And I'm going to tell you the reasons why we do that. But it's where it's waving its little red flag at you at the moment. Now, actually from a neuroscience perspective, when, um, when the brain, when our brain senses kind of this incongruence between where you are and where you want to be, what it actually does is triggers a stress response.

[00:04:01] And I see this often then kind of come into fruition as procrastination, as burnout, as physical fatigue sometimes with clients, like keeping them stuck in this cycle of inaction, because the brain knows Your subconscious knows that where you are and where you want to be is no longer matching, and it is like pure stress response.

[00:04:27] Boom, boom, boom, procrastination, burnout, fatigue, stuck in the cycle. So let's peel back the layers a little bit subconsciously and actually see what's really going on beneath the old surface when you feel out of alignment. So your subconscious is A goddamn master protector, the master protector of all master protectors.

[00:04:54] And it craves safety. It craves predictability. So even when, you know, so logically, so clearly, so consciously that something isn't working or something feels not right, or the type of clients that you're working with a kind of. Oh, that doesn't feel quite right. Or how you're showing up on social media doesn't feel quite right anymore.

[00:05:18] What happens is your subconscious will cling to what feels familiar. So maybe, like I said, you're staying stuck in old patterns, working with clients who aren't aligned, but actually what's happening is deep down, you are afraid. You're afraid that if you stepped into that higher caliber client, what if no one, no one signs up at this price?

[00:05:40] What if I'm not good enough for those high caliber clients? What if I put myself out there and fail? What if I put myself out there? I have all these high caliber clients and I can't hold them and I can't hold the success. And these fears, often very, very subconscious, Keep you looping the same actions.

[00:05:57] They keep you looping the same actions that aren't serving you anymore. I see this with content so much because you get so used to speaking to one particular type of client online. You're very used to that. It feels very easy. You can write the content. Here they are. This is what they're doing. This is what they're going through.

[00:06:14] And actually, One of the, one of the main things that I work with when my clients come in from a content perspective, not only is the subconscious content that I teach inside my containers, but it's a lot of them want to shift the caliber of the client that they're working with. And when we're doing the work.

[00:06:32] A lot of it, again, is subconscious. And then from like a strategy perspective, it's the wording, it's the way that you present, it's the energy behind it. I find them very easily falling back to speaking to their previous clients behaviours or their previous clients pains and desires and I have to call them out on it. Like no, no, no that's not who we're talking to But it is because it feels easy. Because it feels familiar this happens time and time again, especially when you're trying to shift something in your business and you've done it over and over and over again, but now it's not feeling aligned.

[00:07:14] You will easily go back to that just purely because that neural pathway is so strong. And That kind of leads me into the neuroscience of it because repeated thoughts, repeated actions are going to strengthen those certain pathways in the brain. You know, we, your brain wants a lot of automatic responses because, by God, there's It is, it's tiresome up in the brain and it needs things very easy.

[00:07:43] It needs the path of least resistance. That's why it clings onto familiarity. That's why we do the same things day in, day out. So we don't have to be like in this cognitive function every, you know, every minute of every day. And when you try and change, your brain is going to resist that because it's literally wired to keep you in the familiar.

[00:08:03] However, your brain is neuroplastic, which means that you can rewrite those pathways. We can create new patterns, but it actually starts with awareness and it starts with intention. And let's not forget, On the top of all of that, the stories that you might be telling yourself. Stories like, this is just how business is.

[00:08:27] Like, business is supposed to feel hard, it's always felt hard for me, and this is just how it is. This is just who I am. I'll never be that coach. I don't want to shake things up because, oh my god, what if I lose momentum? I do have. But these stories, They're lies. They're comfortable lies. And that's why you say where you are.

[00:08:49] When you know, deep down, your intuition is like, Girl, will you just motherfucking listen? Can we move? Can we do something different? I really want to do something different. I'm dying to do something different. But these stories and these patterns and these ways that you've been showing up in your business, just keep repeating.

[00:09:07] Because your subconscious has associated those lies with safety, even though they're holding you back. Now, what I always say, and have said for a very long time, what got you here, won't get you there. So what got you to this particular space in your business, won't get you to that next space. Evolution of your business.

[00:09:29] And misalignment often happens because you have grown. This is why I would say 80 percent of my one to one clients come to me with one business and they leave with a completely different business. Now that's not kind of like they change the whole niche, their whole, um, everything that they're doing. I mean, some of them have because they were that unaligned, but it's because.

[00:09:56] When we do the subconscious work, they grow so much as a person, they come so much more into alignment with their self, with their values, with their reasons, they get to know themselves so much that they've grown. But their business didn't evolve with them. So misalignment happens because you've grown, you're doing the work, especially if you're in my world, in the membership, you know, have worked with me on your subconscious, you're growing, but actually you're not allowing your business to evolve with the growth that you're having.

[00:10:32] And your subconscious is desperately trying to cling to the old version of you. The old version of you who created. The current authors, the old version of you, who's creating your current content, your current clients, but that version of you, she's outgrown her motherfucking shell, just like the lobster.

[00:10:53] You've probably heard me talk about the lobster theory before, but with lobsters, The shell doesn't grow, they grow, the body of the lobster grows out of the shell. So every now and again, and I can't tell you the timing and please don't quote me on this, the lobster will go down to the bottom of the ocean to protect itself so no one kills it while it's coming out of its shell.

[00:11:16] It sheds its shell and it creates a bigger shell. Now at the moment, What happens with humans is we just motherfucking hold on to that old shell and we're like, well, this doesn't fit me. It's really uncomfortable. I can't move at all, but I ain't letting go of the shell. We need to be more like the lobster.

[00:11:35] We need to go down to the bottom of the ocean. We need to shed, feel really fucking uncomfortable, potentially naked, and then put a new shell back on. So, It's not a lack of action, it's that you're stuck because it's, you're taking action from a place of fear, from a place of doubt, from a place of misalignment.

[00:11:56] I find so many people get to the point where they're literally, what we say, throwing spaghetti at the wall with their content, hoping something's sticks or over delivering for their clients who drain you because you're actually scared to set boundaries or avoiding making big bold moves because you don't trust yourself to handle the success that could follow. And actually, from a neuroscience perspective. This is your brain's negativity bias in action, and the subconscious is hyper, hyper, hyper, hyper focused on avoiding pain and avoiding failure, which will so very often out.

[00:12:42] Outweigh your drive for success. So this creates kind of like an inner tug of war. One parts of you wants to grow and expand while the other part of you pulls back into this comfort zone. So it's actually, you're not being lazy. You're not being unmotivated. You're not letting yourself down by staying in the misalignment.

[00:13:01] It's literally your brain's programming. But actually knowing this now, we can start to move through it. So Rebecca, what do you think? How to move through it? I hear you ask. Let's get into the bit of the juicy part because I want you to shift from misalignment to alignment. And these are a couple of steps that you can do just on a very surface level.

[00:13:21] Obviously it's a lot deeper when we're in containers together, but this will give you the most perfect start. So number one, I want you to identify what feels misaligned. Look, it might not be the whole business. We might not be burning the whole business to the ground here. It might just be a couple of parts.

[00:13:41] So grab a notebook, grab a pen and ask yourself, what parts of my business feel heavy? What is draining my energy? What do I really dread doing? Because like I always say, awareness is the first step to change. And from a neuroscience perspective, naming your feelings. Like, this is how I'm feeling, this is what feels heavy, this is what's draining my energy, this is what I dread.

[00:14:09] When we name our feelings, we're activating the prefrontal cortex, and that is the part of your brain responsible for logic and problem solving. Guess what? Something that we really need if we're out of misalignment and actually just doing this alone is going to reduce the emotional intensity. It's going to help you start shifting because you're literally putting pen to paper and, and being open with it.

[00:14:37] So what parts of my business feel heavy? What drains my energy? What do I dread doing? Literally go through everything. I gave this I gave this exact, uh, step to one of my clients and she actually went through every part of her business. She went through our offers. She went through a content. She went through a client.

[00:14:55] She went, she went through everything. She, we got a full document of what feels misaligned. And by God, I have goosebumps just thinking about it. It opened the door to so many things that were going on, on a subconscious level. And we had the biggest breakthrough. In a container that I've had with, with anyone, it was truly phenomenal.

[00:15:19] And actually it was just from her, the very first domino that we had was her seeing what was misaligned. So number one, identify what feels misaligned. Number two, we want to have a look at the subconscious stories. So once you've identified the misaligned areas, I want you to dig into those subconscious stories that are keeping you stuck there.

[00:15:42] So what fears or beliefs are popping up? Could it be if I niche down further, I'll lose clients, or if I change my offer, no one will buy, you know, I really have a look and call them out for what they are, limiting beliefs, and then either join the membership and I can help you out or come into one to one or reframe them and have a look at what better thinking thought you can have.

[00:16:07] When I align with my ideal clients, they will find me effortlessly. And then you can start to see the shift and the neural pathways that you had made so deeply that we were talking about before begin to rewire. You begin to replace the old patterns and reinforce them through repetition. Number three, Embody your aligned self.

[00:16:29] Visualization is truly a secret weapon when you do it right, when you've done the work subconsciously and you add visualization onto the top. This is why I do a visualization every month, a new one every month in the membership because it is so So powerful. Your subconscious doesn't know what the difference is between reality and not.

[00:16:51] So actually close your eyes and picture yourself in full alignment in your business. You're working with dream clients. You're creating offers that excite you. You're showing up as the go to business owner. How does she show up? What does her day look like? How does she feel? How does she feel in alignment in her business?

[00:17:15] The brain doesn't distinguish between what is real and what is vividly imagined. So actually visualizing your aligned self, you are training your brain that it's safe to step into that reality. Number four, take aligned action. You know me, we do subconscious work, but it is about the action that we take as well, because action Cures misalignment.

[00:17:41] Not just any action, aligned action. Start small. You know, maybe it's saying no to a misaligned client. Maybe it's creating content that speaks directly to your dream clients. Maybe it's finally launching the offer that you've been dreaming about. The key here is that every action should feel like a step forward to that aligned version of you.

[00:18:08] Action strengthens new neural pathways. That's why I bring the strategy with the subconscious in everything I do. It's fine. It's, it's bloody amazing doing the subconscious work, but we have to have action behind it because that's bringing it into your external reality. And it's creating new neural pathways and momentum.

[00:18:32] And then lastly, create safety and expansion. Your subconscious needs to feel so safe to grow. I have done so many podcast episodes on this about feeling safe to grow into that next level. That's why mindset work is so important. We want to tell your subconscious, it's safe for me to grow, it's safe for me to succeed, it's safe for me to step into alignment, it's safe for me to work with these clients, it's safe for me to have this amount of money.

[00:19:02] When your subconscious feels safe, it lowers resistance. I'm going to say that again for the gals in the back. When your subconscious feels safe, it lowers resistance. And What can you achieve without resistance? You move forward without sabotaging yourself all the goddamn time. So, listen, alignment isn't some magical destination you arrive at, honestly, it is constant recalibration.

[00:19:32] It is, About listening to your intuition, it is about trusting yourself, which is where the work I do comes in. It's about making bold moves when something feels off. You didn't start this business to feel meh about it. You started it whether to Change lives to create freedom for yourself, to be the damn expert, to write the book, that version of you, she is waiting, but you have got to step up, do the inner work and fully step into alignment with that.

[00:20:05] So here's my call to action to finish today's podcast. If you are feeling out of alignment, stop. Ignoring it. Dive in, do the work, do those five steps, because staying stuck where you are, that's where the failure comes in. And I know there's no such thing as failure, but do you want to stay stuck where you are?

[00:20:27] Alignment is available to you right now, and I really want you to claim it. So thank you for listening to today's episode. If it resonates with you, share it with the world. A friend who probably needs to hear it. Maybe you're both in like that misalignment space. Don't forget to leave a review if you have loved today's episode and I will see you on the next one.

[00:20:50] Love you all. 

[00:20:51] I love to see you plugging in and listening to the podcast every week. So whilst you're here, I would love for you to spend a moment sharing your favorite episode, reviewing the podcast. And of course, that juicy 5 star rating. These little acts of kindness really help the podcast reach more incredible powerhouses just like you.

[00:21:15] Now, if we're not connected on Instagram, add me at underscore Rebecca Haydon underscore, and for the full show notes and more resources, head over to RebeccaHaydon. com. I'll see you there.


More about The Subconscious Expert:

Welcome to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one-way ticket to the mind-blowing results you desire in your life and business! I’m your host, Rebecca Haydon, The Subconscious Expert who went from being stuck in victim mode to a multi 6 figure business owner. Each week, I will be giving you the subconscious tools and techniques so you can become the woman who is living out her vision with a life and business that she is truly OBSESSED with. I have said it before, and I will say it 100 times again: "Your business can't outgrow your mindset, and if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious." So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve!


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