How I Built a Scalable Business That Makes Money Daily (Even While on Maternity Leave) [ep. #218]

218. How I Built a Scalable Business That Makes Money Daily (Even While on Maternity Leave)

Hello lovely lady and welcome to The Subconscious Expert!

How would you feel if I told you that you need to step away from your business for a month? Are you feeling panic rising in your body just thinking about it? That's how most entrepreneurs feel because they haven't built a scalable business. If your business cannot run without you at the moment, I just want you to know that it doesn't have to be that way.

I wasn't worried about whether my business would survive when I went on maternity leave. I built a scalable business that doesn't thrive only when I'm online. It thrives even without my presence, even when I'm spending time with my baby girl, Ivy. And if you can't say the same about your business, this episode will be an eye-opener for you.

Let's talk about why most entrepreneurs feel trapped in their business, subconscious patterns that keep you stuck in hustle mode, and subconscious shifts that will help you make your business sustainable even when you're sipping margaritas on a beach. Ready to change how you think about success forever? Tune in!


Topics covered on Building a Scalable Business:

  1. How can you build a scalable business that thrives even when you're not working?

  2. What subconscious patterns might be keeping you trapped in a hustle mindset?

  3. How can you rewire your subconscious to allow clients to flow in every day effortlessly?

  4. What strategic shifts do you need to make to build a scalable business?

  5. How do you create a business model that supports long-term success without your constant presence?


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Resources mentioned in this episode:



"Most entrepreneurs don't actually have a business. They have a high-pressure, no-safety-net job that they've created for themselves." - Rebecca Haydon



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[00:00:00] You are listening to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one way ticket to the mind blowing results you desire in your life and business. I've said it before, and I will say it a hundred times again, your business cannot outgrow your mindset. And if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious.

[00:00:26] So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve. 

[00:00:31] Hello my gorgeous lady, welcome back to the Subconscious Expert. I'm excited for today because I am opening the door a little bit into the biz and talking about how I set up the business This is pre maternity leave to make money whilst I wasn't kind of online, but then actually even on maternity leave, how and what I put in place to make sure that I had literal sales coming in every single day since I Giving birth to my beautiful baby daughter, Ivy.

[00:01:05] And it literally has been that way. I look at my Stripe account and I have had daily drops into my bank account since I left for maternity leave and what that's going to look like moving forwards and what I am doing now. I just wanted to share all with, you know. A bit of subconscious work, a bit of strategy thrown in because let's be honest, most entrepreneurs secretly fricking panic at the idea of stepping away from their business.

[00:01:35] Because when you are Your business, when everything relies on you showing up, you selling, you making the moves, what the hell happens when you're not there? And there, I have so many questions of like, how do you carry on growing your business when life happens? How have you carried on your business when you've had a baby?

[00:02:00] Now, when I left for maternity leave, I wasn't worried about whether my business would survive. At all, because I built a business that doesn't just make money. It holds it. I built a business pre even having a being pregnant. I built a business that doesn't just thrive when I'm on. When I'm online, when I'm in a good energy, it thrives all the time.

[00:02:32] And if right now you can't say the same about your business, I want you to just get curious at this episode. I want you to just allow this episode to open your eyes because today we're breaking down one, why most entrepreneurs feel trapped inside their business. Two, the subconscious patterns making you think that you have to be working Hustle mode for more money to flow.

[00:02:59] And three, the subconscious shifts that I did, that you can do, that make your business truly sustainable, that doesn't require you consistently pushing to generate income. And if you've ever felt like stepping back would mean losing sales or mean Missing out or means slowing down momentum. This episode is going to change how you think about success forever.

[00:03:24] So let's dive in. 

[00:03:27] I want to just start with a little call out because most entrepreneurs don't actually have a business. They have a job that they've created for themselves. Yes. A job that doesn't come with paid time off. A job that doesn't come with stability or the ability to step back without things falling apart, because if your business stops making money when you stop working, that is not a business, that is a high pressure, no safety net job.

[00:03:58] And the reason why this happens is because most business owners are operating in a way that consistently keeps them trapped. Whether that's relying on consistently live selling and constant launching to bring on clients, whether they feel like they always have to be quote unquote on to keep momentum in a good mood, in a happy mood, healthy to keep momentum, they've built a business that requires their constant attention instead of one that works even when they're not there.

[00:04:34] And look, I have been here. I have been here so thick and so hard that it took a lot of subconscious work for me to get out of it because it usually isn't just a strategy problem. There is strategy behind stepping away from the business, of course, but there is also subconscious in there too, because if deep down you don't believe that money can flow effortlessly, if you feel like success is something that you've had to chase and chase, Chase Chase Chase Chase Work Work Work Work Work Grind Grind Grind Grind Grind.

[00:05:10] Instead of hold, if the idea of stepping away makes you that fricking uncomfortable because you don't trust your business to keep running, your subconscious mind is running the show. And no matter how much strategy you implement, you will always find yourself working harder than you need to. So let's talk about, first of all, the real reasons this keeps happening and how we fix it.

[00:05:35] So. We have to kind of go deeper than just, you need better systems because 100 percent yes, systems are so, so important. They are so important and I'm going to talk about them today, but if you won't trust that those systems will hold your business or do the job, Your subconscious will never believe that success is safe because right now your brain has probably been conditioned to believe that money equals effort, that scaling equals more work, that success equals temporary.

[00:06:14] And when your subconscious holds these beliefs, every time you think about stepping back, your nervous system will go into protection mode. Now, these are the main Major three subconscious patterns I see in high achievers, when it looks to stepping away from the business, whether that's a literal one day off, Christmas off, going on holiday, whatever that looks like having a baby.

[00:06:41] Pattern number one, money equals effort. And this is kind of the productivity reward loop. When we look at neuroscience, your brain is wired for dopamine rewards. Meaning it has been trained to associate effort with financial reward. Now, every time you work hard and you make money, your brain is reinforcing the pattern that says, I worked hard and therefore I earned this.

[00:07:09] Now, the problem here is if you step away from work and money still comes in, your brain won't get that dopamine hit. It feels wrong. It feels unearned. It feels like you're not deserving of it. So subconsciously you will pull back. The first thing we need to do to rewire it is you need to create a new reward system.

[00:07:32] So instead of tying success to effort, I want you to start celebrating moments. Where money has come in without the extra work. When money's come in from something that you maybe put out a week ago, 10 days ago last year, you know, without that extra work you've your past self. I always say, oh, we we're bringing in past back to do some work.

[00:07:57] Create that reward system. And then the second thing is really that daily evidence acking. Every passive sale, every reoccurring revenue payment, remind your subconscious money flows even when I'm not working. I was feeding Ivy yesterday and two sales came in, you know, it's that stacking of evidence that money is allowed to flow.

[00:08:22] I have put in the intentional action. I have put in the hard work and now I get to reap the reward. Pattern number two. This success is temporary and this is really like hammering into the financial set point effect. Now, your brain has something called a financial set point, which is the level of income that literally feels normal to you.

[00:08:49] I have seen it so many times with clients. If you start making more money, Than your subconscious believes is safe or your subconscious believes is sustainable. Your nervous system triggers self sabotaging behaviors to bring you back to a level it recognizes. I saw this in myself so much when I first started making more money than I could have ever imagined making.

[00:09:13] I would. Literally get the money in and then either a bill or I would go and spend it. Like I couldn't hold it because I was like, I have to bring it back down. And it's took me time to build that financial set point. And I'm currently building into my next financial set point, but you need to really work on this because if you've never been in a place where wealth felt consistent, your subconscious will create instability to match your past experiences.

[00:09:41] So you need to expand your financial comfort zone. You need to regulate your nervous system for success. It's safe for me to hold financial success. It's safe for me to hold this much money. Pattern number three comes down to control. Control equals safety. The CEO trust, right? The prefrontal cortex. Now, the prefrontal cortex is the part of your brain which is responsible for decision making, the CEO of your brain is what we call it.

[00:10:16] It struggles to release control when it doesn't trust external systems. So if you've always been the one in charge of your success, letting go even just a little bit can feel unsafe. So if you subconsciously believe that you are the reason your business works and you alone, you'll never feel comfortable letting go even when you're in the position that you want to scale and you kind of need to.

[00:10:49] So to rewire this, create those scalable systems, test them, start small, take a weekend off your business to prove your subconscious that sales will still happen if you've got things in place. Just really, really small, tiny steps to build that, obviously building the scalable systems, which we're going to come on to in a minute, but when you've got them, Have the weekend off, know that things are in place, know that you're warming clients up, know that you're nurturing them, et cetera.

[00:11:23] And then use that identity shift in, you know, how would I move today if I knew my business was built to run with or without me? And this isn't me sitting here saying that you don't have to be in the business. You know, that's, that's something that I've never wanted. I love being in my business. I love running my business.

[00:11:41] I love. Coaching my clients. I love being on group calls. I love the membership. I love everything about it. I love the subconscious work. It really is. I don't think I'll ever, ever die for me because I just love it that much. So I don't want to completely remove myself from the business, but I didn't want to be as much as I was in 2022, 2023.

[00:12:03] So I really had to see how I would move if I knew that my business was better. Built to run with or without me and really started acting like that version of myself before I fully believed it. Now, before we get into kind of the strategic shifts, that's going to make your business self sufficient, My journey into this.

[00:12:25] Was really quite complex because I built, and if you followed me for a while, I built a very successful business on one to one coaching. And I really pride myself on that. Not only because everyone told me not to, um, but because one to one coaching for me is where the power, like the really, really deep transformational power shifts, and I know I can get deep transformational shifts in a In my other containers, whether that's PowerUp, whether that's the membership, whether that's, you know, random masterclasses that I've put on, I know I can create very deep shifts.

[00:13:01] To be honest, even the podcast, I know I create deep shifts in because I have people tell me, but one to one for me is where the magic really lies in my passion. You know, having a client with me for one month, three months, six months, usually longer than that because everyone loves to stay. But having the clients with me.

[00:13:21] And being able to see their shifts, being able to change their lives, their behaviors, their habits, their business, their money, that's where it lied for me. So there was never a shadow of doubt that I didn't want to build a business that was one to one led, bringing in the most finances for me. And when I started to really want to build out the business and kind of, Never really moved from one to one because I never will.

[00:13:44] Like I love it. And I think, you know, even when my NLP school launches this year and that kind of becomes the bread, the breadwinner of the business, I will still do one to ones for sure. So I knew that. I wanted to keep one to ones, but I couldn't do as many. So therefore the revenue was going to shift and I was going to have to change where the revenue came in for my business to be able to sustain the money that I had been bringing in.

[00:14:12] So I went from working with a lot of one to ones to obviously quite high ticket one to ones to having to build a business and having to build systems and having to build offers that would allow me more. People in, but less work for me, you know, very passive. I do work for the membership, but it probably takes me, I would say two hours a month for the membership.

[00:14:38] So it was really, really very, very different than being in Voxer all the time, being on consistent calls, et cetera. And the way that I've run the business before. So. I had to really do work in the safety of letting go of as many one to ones as I had, because I had created a safety net around it. I had created, um, this understanding.

[00:15:01] I knew how it worked. I literally would talk about one to one Once on my stories and I would have maybe three, four inquiries and the people would be in and that would be it. Like I have a really great system and still have a really great system. Even now I've come back and I'm not really kind of quote unquote back the way I used to be at all.

[00:15:19] Um, but now I'm kind of back. I can't even call it full time cause I'm definitely not doing full time hours at all, I don't think I'm even doing part time hours, but now that I feel back in the business from maternity leave, wow, that was a really long winded for what it needed to be. But now I'm back, it feels exactly the same to bring in one to ones because I built that as a system.

[00:15:42] It is a system that works very well. I have very rarely talked about one to ones on stories since I've come back and most of the clients who have come in already, uh, who've been Have been through the back end, you know, just through chatting on DMs or I have felt they have felt very nurtured by the podcast or it has been a recommendation, which is usually what would happen with one to ones anyway.

[00:16:03] So let's kind of have a look at some strategic shifts that will make your business self sufficient and I'll kind of chat about what I did as well. So we've kind of covered the subconscious patterns again. Like I said, kind of letting you in on my subconscious pattern was that I got a real safety around selling one to ones.

[00:16:21] I found it very easy. People would flow in. I would make incredible, um, sales from it. I would have incredible breakthroughs with clients. I loved the amount of clients that I had. I built safety around holding that amount of clients. I had very good systems, very good backend. Uh, I had a team supporting me, so I could have that many, but what would the The subconscious patterns that I had to, to really kind of train myself out of was this safety in one to one in order for me to grow the other parts of the business.

[00:16:54] So let's kind of talk about exactly what it takes to build a business that holds success without you needing to push and hustle and be on 24 seven. So subconscious work, of course, the foundation, but once we've rewired your mind for sustained success, you also need a business that structurally supports it.

[00:17:15] And most entrepreneurs think that stepping away is a luxury when actually I do see it. As a bit of a requirement for long term success, because I have so many clients who actually come to me after maybe having some really great months and then they get this stagnancy or maybe they've had this great business and they've gone into burnout and burnout is a really, really, really ingrained story for people.

[00:17:45] You know, experience, you've gone through it. It's real. It's horrible. It's a horrible experience and your subconscious will do everything it can to stop you from going back there. So we want to build a business that doesn't fall apart when you step back. Let's get a little bit tactical. So the first thing I did was move from kind of this hustle based business model to a wealth generating business model.

[00:18:11] So instead of this like cash grab sprint, we want to go into this wealth building system. So relying on like big launches that create this like financial, very, very high, but then you're burnt out and can't do anything for another three months, or maybe one to one work that's like maxing out your time, or offers that require you to be personally involved every single sale, that is how If that's how your business is structured, then of course, of course, you feel like you can't step away because the second you stop, so does the money, like it's obvious, your brain is wired to predict patterns, so it thrives on the certainty, it thrives on the automation, so if every time you make money, it requires this surge of effort, your brain links money with short term spikes and not sustainable growth.

[00:19:06] For So, instead of structuring your business for cash bursts, you want to structure it for cash flow. So that is building out your reoccurring revenue streams, whether that is a membership, whether it's passive income. A lot of what I set up during maternity leave is very passive, power up. Millionaires Hypnosis Bundle, both of those are my passive.

[00:19:31] I have Magnet that sold quite a lot when I've been off, which is my content course, all of which apart from the Millionaires Hypnosis Bundle, Power Up and Magnet were live courses that I did very intentionally because I knew that I wanted to carry on selling them and I filmed videos in them. So it's kind of like half a live experience and half.

[00:19:52] Um, pre recorded. Um, and actually what I love about the containers that I do and how I've built the passive side of my business is yes, they are, they were live at the time and people are buying them passive, but actually the work that I do, it almost, is more powerful when people are watching a replay of a live than me just, you know, doing a video because they can see other people, what other people are saying.

[00:20:20] It kind of feels like they're in that experience. They're writing things down. I'm giving them time. I'm not just talking to them on a video. Um, so I know a lot of people are like, Oh, I want to do it properly. And I want, you know, I don't want it to be this live replay for me, And what I teach actually works very well and I have tested both and I feel more people get bigger breakthroughs and bigger results watching a replay of a live call because they feel that, you know, they're really involved.

[00:20:47] I'm talking to the audience a lot and that's kind of a big thing for me. So memberships, retainers, passive income, creating evergreen funnels. So money literally flows daily. Just like it has for me in maternity leave, not just during launches and the evergreen funnels for me was something that I thought about probably eight months prior to me having a baby.

[00:21:14] Um, so everything I launched, I've said this in a couple of podcasts before, but everything I launched in 2024. Was me knowing that it was going to become part of the evergreen funnel when I came from maternity leave. So everything from the freebie that I've got, the freebies that I've got out, the, all of the emails back end, the podcasts that I recorded, they were very strategic in how we link them all together, um, and where they led and how they led, and we set that up.

[00:21:46] We use Cartra, um, for that. It fought for kind of my systems and back end, um, for anything other than one to one, which is we used upsado, but it really helped us create this big evergreen funnel, people come into the millionaire, well, people come into the freebie, go into the millionaires hypnosis bundle, go into power up and then potentially into the membership, which is for me, um, A bit of a quote unquote harder sell because of it being a membership.

[00:22:12] And I think a lot of people come to the membership once they've experienced me more, but we really, really understood how people bought from me, why they buy from me and how I wanted to get that across. So, especially when I was off on maternity leave, I, a lot of people felt like I was showing up a lot, but I actually was, I wasn't, we just set up a lot of things to make it look like that.

[00:22:36] So I didn't lose the momentum, which is something else, you know, Really, really helped me really have in offers that allow clients to enroll anytime instead of like the, the limited windows, having things that people can build up to, um, and naturally move through, which people do every day for me. And like, they're naturally moving through.

[00:22:58] So. It really, really helped there. Money flows to me consistency without the need for constant effort. And then whenever I want to push and pull anything where I do something live, because I really love doing things live, that would be, um, more of a process that I do where I am involved. It really, really helped mapping out the customer journey.

[00:23:21] It really, really helped mapping out where I wanted them to grow and how I wanted to move people through the funnels and, you know, giving them something to work through. And then the next thing being obviously the next step for them, that was really, really important and really, really helpful. And. It's carried on, you know, I, like I said, my business, blah, blah, blah, business brings in new sales without me needing to show up live for it a lot.

[00:23:48] And every now and again, I will do something live purely for the passion that I love live. Um, and especially groups. A group stuff, I get so much from live group calls. This is why I keep the, the mindset Q and A in the membership. It's why I love doing these kind of one off offers. Um, it's, you know, how Power Up got so big with so many people dropping in and still dropping into this day, because I just love that feeling of alive.

[00:24:18] It's. It is literally like my stage. So it was almost looking at how I love showing up and what I love doing and actually how people like to learn from me, you know, people are very much about me and how I deliver and what that looks like and how that feels like. So when we were setting up the funnels, I was really, really, um, I really wanted to have me come across.

[00:24:43] So I didn't want just emails. I wanted videos of me. I wanted podcasts. I wanted lives, you know, where could I bring people back in so they could experience me as a person. We want to automate sales so you're not the bottleneck. This is where I see it so often, not only in the subconscious bottleneck, but sales bottleneck.

[00:25:04] Now, if sales require you to be personally involved, whether that's Through live selling, through the DMs, through discovery calls, then your business is obviously fully dependent on you. And that's why you feel like you can't step away because every sale relies on you being there. Now, the prefrontal cortex, again, has a limited capacity for making choices every single day.

[00:25:28] And that's why so many people experience decision fatigue when you're in a constant state of selling, or negotiating, or enrolling, or. Or, you know, setting up things backend manually, if you're making repetitive decisions all day, every day, you are draining cognitive resources that could actually be used to shift and scale your business.

[00:25:56] So. Instead of it being this like manual sales, have this automated self led system, whether that's a very high converting sales page, whether that, you know, to eliminate the need for longer sales conversations, whether that's an automated email Email sequence that nurtures leads and kind of closes the sales while you sleep, as we all say, whether it's kind of like a DM sales funnel that leads people to your offers without convincing them in real time.

[00:26:25] For me, more than anything, the podcast is a very great nurture tool. It's a very deep, deep nurture tool for me. One, because. It is such a personal experience too, because it's a long form copy and I really can get my expertise. You get to know me, you get to understand the breakthroughs that my clients have with my success stories.

[00:26:49] I give you aha moments all the time. I have so many times where a client is like, well, what do you say to people in D in the dms? Like, how do you nurture them? And I'm like, I don't. I very, very, very, very, very rarely nurture in the dms in the way of like back and forth conversations, asking loads of questions.

[00:27:07] In fact, when people come to work with me, they've usually, they're probably on a 97% Yes. And maybe they have a couple of questions. Maybe it's just finding out how much it is. And I send over, I've got a full page for my one-to-one that. Has all of the information so I don't have to go scrapping everywhere.

[00:27:25] Um, you know, I've got the system set up. So if someone does come in, I don't have to nurture them. I've already nurtured them in different ways across the business. And. That happens very, very naturally of things that I've put out in the past that give you that experience of working with me. So inside my own business, my podcast, my content, the automations do the heavy lifting.

[00:27:48] Like I don't do endless DM nurturing because my team. Messaging pre sells for me. So you want to kind of create a belief where it's like my business attracts and converts consistent clients effortlessly without me needing to be involved in every sale. You know, a lot of the, a lot of the recent sales that I've made are of names that I have never seen.

[00:28:12] I've never seen them look at my stories. I've never seen them like a product. Like a content piece. They, they have been warming up without me even knowing them, which is so powerful and so amazing because I know that I can reach more people that way. And then the last thing, um, is really kind of. Your nervous system.

[00:28:34] It really is the nervous system because you want, and this was a big one for me because I was actually, you know, I was in that kind of, um, work, work, work. And I think it's, you know, sometimes in business you do have those times where you do have to push and pull on how much you're working, but. Your nervous system is, will be dysregulated around success.

[00:28:57] So if you say you want freedom, but your nervous system has only ever known stress, uncertainty, hustle, then success without struggle will feel unsafe. So really start to shift that, really start to kind of success without stress is my new normal. So really getting streamlined with your offers. So anything that kind of isn't aligned, anything that isn't scalable, start to either tweak it so it is, or get rid of, simplify your operations, you know, systemize those repetitive tasks.

[00:29:36] So you're not taking up that, that mental load all the time. So you can focus on what actually moves the needle. Are you delegating with clarity? You know, like, so you're not the one only responsible here. Scaling doesn't mean more work. It means freedom. But a lot of people don't see it that way. They see scaling as this big push, hard, hard work.

[00:30:01] And to be honest, I'm not going to beat around the bush. You know, when I was setting up the funnels, when I was doing all this and being strategic with it, I did work. Yeah. I did work, I worked very intentionally, but I haven't, I then let it go out into the world and it's still making consistent sales for me.

[00:30:19] So if you want to build a business that makes money daily without you needing to be there 24 7, here's what needs to happen. You need to shift from the hustle based selling to a wealth building model. Automate your sales, whatever that looks like for you, so you're not the bottleneck. Train your nervous system to feel safe with the stability and simplify your business instead of complicating it as you grow.

[00:30:45] Simple scales. It really, really does. Everyone always thinks growth is going to be so complex, but it can be so simple. It can be so simple if you allow yourself to see it. I do a lot of this work inside my one to one coaching, especially scaling to the next level from a strategy perspective and having your subconscious be able to hold it.

[00:31:12] So if you do want a business that pays you daily, whether you're working or DM me one to one. Let's make it happen. I'll send you the link with all of the details and I will see you in the next episode. I love to see you plugging in and listening to the podcast every week. So whilst you're here, I would love for you to spend a moment sharing your favorite episode, reviewing the podcast, And of course, that juicy 5 star rating.

[00:31:42] These little acts of kindness really help the podcast reach more incredible powerhouses just like you. Now, if we're not connected on Instagram, add me at underscore Rebecca Haydon underscore, and for the full show notes and more resources, head over to RebeccaHaydon. com. I'll see you there.


More about The Subconscious Expert:

Welcome to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one-way ticket to the mind-blowing results you desire in your life and business! I’m your host, Rebecca Haydon, The Subconscious Expert who went from being stuck in victim mode to a multi 6 figure business owner. Each week, I will be giving you the subconscious tools and techniques so you can become the woman who is living out her vision with a life and business that she is truly OBSESSED with. I have said it before, and I will say it 100 times again: "Your business can't outgrow your mindset, and if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious." So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve!


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