How Can Subconscious Programming Increase Your Sales [ep. #187]
Hello lovely lady and welcome to The Subconscious Expert!
What if I told you that subconscious reprogramming is the secret sauce to skyrocketing sales in your business? Yep, that's right! Join me in today's episode where I will unpack the subconscious blocks that whisper in your ear "you can't" when you absolutely can! From the fear of rejection to imposter syndrome, we'll break down all the barriers that stop you from selling like a pro.
I will talk about how you can hack your subconscious reprogramming, start believing in your worth, and sell with confidence. It's time to shake off those limiting beliefs and make selling as natural as brushing your teeth in the morning. Your business is about to hit new heights, and it all starts with reprogramming your subconscious mind!
PS: Don't forget to join the July Challenge for a chance to win an exclusive one-to-one session or a Voxer VIP day with me! Check the details below.
Topics covered on Subconscious Reprogramming:
Exclusive July challenge to become the best subconscious version of yourself in business.
How can you win a 1:1 or VIP Voxer day with me in July?
The correlation between subconscious reprogramming and sales in your business.
Which subconscious blocks might be holding you back from making sales, and how can you identify them?
How can building confidence in yourself change the game for your sales and overall business success?
Why is making selling a habitual part of your business critical, and how can you start today?
Connect with Rebecca Haydon:
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Give the podcast a 5-star review, screenshot it, send it to me via a DM on Instagram @_rebeccahaydon_, and you go into the draw for a FREE 45-minute 1:1 with me!
Share an episode of your choice, tag me on Instagram @_rebeccahaydon_ and you will be in the running of a VIP Voxer Day with me! The draw ends on July 31st. Share multiple times for more entries.
Related episodes you may enjoy:
186. The Seven Subconscious Traits of Wildly Successful Entrepreneurs
185. Sweatpants Season a.k.a the Reason Why You Aren’t Going after Your Goals
173. How to Turn Dreamy Strangers into Instant Clients with Subconscious Marketing
170. Subconscious Marketing: How to Become Irresistible to Your Ideal Clients
169. Switch On Your Powerful Selling Energy with This Simple Mindset Hack
“We do the subconscious work but we have to put the tangible, intentional actions behind it for you to move forwards.” - Rebecca Haydon
Transcription: Our AI tried its best, but expect a few quirky typos in the transcript. Embrace the imperfections and enjoy the read!
[00:00:00] You are listening to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one way ticket to the mind blowing results you desire in your life and business. I've said it before and I will say it a hundred times again. Your business cannot outgrow your mindset. And if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious.
[00:00:26] So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve.
[00:00:31] Hello, you little powerhouse you. Welcome to the Subconscious Expert Podcast, and welcome to our second Little July Challenge. Hell yes! Can you believe we're already in week two of July? I hope that you are well and truly in the challenge. You have looked at last week's challenge. Lowdown of what you're doing and you've started putting these things into place Again, like I said throughout the whole of July you have the opportunity to pop yourself into the winnings of a 45 minute Subconscious one to one with me or a day VIP in Voxer with me So all you need to do head to the show notes all of the things that in there of what to do But give the podcast a review Screenshot it send it to my DMS on Instagram You And you go into the chance of winning a 45 minute subconscious one to one, um, or share an episode to your Instagram and tag me, and you go into, um, the, the little wheel of winners, um, for a VIP Voxer Day with me, and this is gonna go up to July 31st of 2024, so it is a July challenge, um, You can obviously do the Subconscious Challenges that are in the podcast, but if you want to take part in winning either the 45 minute one to one with me from a subconscious programming point of view, or the day in Voxer, VIP day with me in Voxer, go and give that share a rate and a review, but again, like I said, all of the, um, all of the breakdowns is in the show notes, so head to there.
[00:02:11] So, today In the Subconscious July Challenge, which we are subconsciously moving you to your next level, we are subconsciously changing your business for the better, we are having a look at how subconscious programming can increase your sales. Which is usually what everyone wants. It's usually what everyone wants.
[00:02:35] You want more incredible aligned clients in your business, you want more People coming in, holding more capacity, launching more things if that's what that means to you, and obviously with all that in tow, creating and increasing your sales. Creating and increasing the wealth that you have in the business.
[00:02:58] Now I wanted to start with some of the blockers, because you know me, first step to change is awareness. So let's have a look at the awareness around the Deep rooted self belief, like the deep seated beliefs that I see that kind of hinder entrepreneurs. ability to sell, basically. Um, and I think sometimes identifying these blockers and addressing these blockers, these subconscious limiting beliefs and stories that come up, is really going to help you improve both your sales and how you sell.
[00:03:39] So there's a couple of things that I see happening. Which, you might resonate with one, you might resonate with all, and basically the challenge for today, again, is in the show notes. Um, and there is, there is a whole scope of you working through these. So the first thing I see from like a deep seated belief, limiting belief, with this is the fear of rejection.
[00:04:04] If someone says no, then that means I'm not good enough. So therefore, I won't sell, or I will avoid following up, or I won't handle objections. And the fear of rejection kind of stops you from completely selling in the first place. I see that very often. The second one is imposter syndrome. So, I'm not as competent as I'm selling myself to be and I'll be found out.
[00:04:34] Can I really get this results for my ideal, like for my ideal clients? Can I really help them? Like, will they see the success? There's a lot of questioning you. Behind your own knowledge, your own ability, your own talents that stop you from selling, because if I ain't selling, then I don't have to be an imposter.
[00:04:57] And this is a big one that I see a lot, and when you're, if you're not selling currently, if you're not consistently selling in your business right now, or you are selling and then you're not following up, following through, objectifying, or Doing anything to, like, get the clients into your business. It probably is one of these things.
[00:05:19] So just keep up, keep a listen, keep a listen. The next thing I see is money mindset. Money is the root of all evil, rich people are greedy. If I make that amount of money, people are going to take from me. I'm going to have to give more. I don't know. Um, Who am I to take this money from my clients? Like, all of these beliefs are stopping you from selling because selling equals an exchange of money for your energy, right?
[00:05:44] And actually what I see is the difficulty in asking for the sale, or you kind of say the amount of money and you're like, It's, uh, like you don't actually say. The price, with confidence, um, often discounting, you know, let's, let's make it feel like it's the amount that I think that they should think it is, um, and just be Not discussing, like not feeling comfortable discussing the price with the client, so you may be having clarity calls, or discovery calls, or DM conversations, where you kind of breeze over it, or try not to get to that part of the conversation, or forget to reply.
[00:06:28] A lot of these behaviours that are coming up. The next one I see is the fear of success. This one's a big one, and I've spoke about it a lot on the podcast. But, if I sell too much, if people say yes, I will become too successful, um, I will lose my work life balance, or it will bring me unwanted attention, or people will need more from me, or I will have to over deliver, or pe I will have to people please more.
[00:06:59] There's a lot of, like, that fear of success, which, Is like the self sabotage, you set low goals, you avoid opportunities which could lead you to places, you don't reply. A lot of it does come to the fear of success with my clients because they're such high achievers, like failure's not an option for them.
[00:07:16] I think sometimes we do have the fear of failure but you wouldn't let yourself fail so it has to be the fear of success. So that's one that I see. Another one that I see is Perfectionism. And this is kind of like If it's not perfect, if I'm not delivering it perfect, if I'm not selling it perfect, if this launch doesn't go perfect, it's not worth doing.
[00:07:39] Procrastination, over preparing, never really feeling ready, missing the opportunities due to the fear of imperfection and that perfectionism keeps you stuck in the kind of creativity and the doing so it means that you never really launch which means you never really sell and it's this like perpetuating cycle that kind of goes round.
[00:08:03] Next one, Comfort Zone Mentality, Sweatpants Season, is what we've claimed it now, which is like, I stick to what I know, I ain't taking any risks, I'm not trying any new sales strategies, I'm not gonna, you know, change any marketing efforts, I'm just gonna stay stagnant because that's what feels safe. Now logically you're not saying that, but, um, subconsciously you are.
[00:08:29] Next one is the fear of being pushy or aggressive, which I think comes with this, like, bro marketing, um, sleazy car salesman, you know, we hear it a lot. It kind of comes with the narrative that we learnt around that. Probably prior to the industry, but I have had some clients who have worked with coaches who, or business coaches that have, like, really pushed them into the bro marketing that doesn't really suit them.
[00:08:57] Um, lots of DM messages, it takes a lot of energy, etc. Um, and it's almost like, I don't want to be annoying, I don't want to be intrusive, I don't want to bother people. And there is a way to selling, and I think there's definitely a way of, like, breaking through that belief. And it's not, it's not a way that you need to sell, you know, I definitely don't sell like that, but a lot of the time I see people stuck in that, that the fact like, it's like, well it's either this way or no other way and I don't know how to do it any other way that stops them from selling.
[00:09:30] Which kind of goes into the next one, which is kind of like negative past experiences, and I think when you're growing your business, when you're in the growth of your business, you are receiving. Maybe quite a few no's. And it comes back to this business resilience where You know, every time I've had a client where I'm like, where the client's like, oh, that, that's, that client said no, that ideal client said no, I'm like, great, that brings us a new opportunity to bring in someone more aligned.
[00:09:56] And it's how you look at that. Um, but if you're putting this story on like, um, I failed last time, so I'm going to fail again, I can't deal with another no. Best thing I learned about the entrepreneur is that, you know, you don't have The best thing I learnt about the performing arts space was the ability to have people say no to me all the time and keep going.
[00:10:17] Because I literally used to go to 5 or 6. auditions a week and I would be in the room for like a minute. What can you show in a minute? Um, and it would be a no and I'd have to be okay with that. And I think like that really taught me to be very resilient in business because the no's, it always brings something else.
[00:10:39] Like it, it's the path that we need to take and that's okay. Um, but. Almost sometimes I see entrepreneurs who have received no's or maybe a couple of no's, they start to make it mean something about them, which then again stops them from selling. And then the last one is real lack of self worth, which kind of, for me, is like, hits me the hardest because I, like, you are worthy, you're worthy of everything that you want, but actually playing into the belief of, I don't deserve to be successful.
[00:11:15] I'm not worth the price I'm asking for. Who am I to do this? Who am I to sell this? It really looks That you have this difficulty in valuing yourself, in valuing your products, in valuing your services, and again, leads to this like discounted prices, underpricing, undervaluing yourself, and not standing in the power that you have being who you are and offering what you have because you wouldn't be doing it if If you didn't have a morsel of belief in yourself, because you do, you just allow these beliefs to come up.
[00:11:54] So those are a couple of things that I see happen to stop you from selling subconsciously. So a lot of the time it's not because you don't know the content structure. Or you don't know how to actually sell or, you know, like, yes there might be some refinement in your messaging and positioning, which is what I look at with clients, but a lot of the time when it comes to selling it is the subconscious beliefs that are behind it.
[00:12:23] It is what's going on from a, from a programming perspective of your subconscious of what you think about money or yourself or what you're offering that stops it for you. So how can we Obviously, a big part of this is the challenge that I have set you for the second week of July, which is in the show notes.
[00:12:45] But the first thing and place that you really need to start is that confidence in self. And I know confidence is such a fucking macro thing and it looks so different to everyone, but that deep rooted self belief, like, really getting yourself to To that place where you're like, of course people are going to buy from me because what I'm offering is incredible or life changing or, or gonna help them in some way.
[00:13:14] And if you didn't believe that, like I said, if you didn't even believe that 1 percent you wouldn't be here with your business anyway. And one of my clients, I actually got a testimonial through from her the other day, and I I think this really helped her really stand in this, this confidence in self. And a lot of the time, it's not the selling itself.
[00:13:35] Like, again, like I said, like I do go into the strategy and story strategies and podcast selling strategies. Like, it's a lot of strategies that we can put in place. But actually, It's the confidence that they have, that my clients then have within themselves to sell. She said, Beck encouraged me to become the most confident, elaborate and expansive version of myself through both mindset and strategic work.
[00:14:00] I've gone from reactive, anxious and overwhelmed in information overload, which I know a lot of you are in, to calm, proactive and confident. My relationships, business, and more than everything, more than anything, my confidence has improved drastically as a result. And I think it is this confidence piece that allows the resilience, it allows you to show up, it allows you to sell, it allows you to play bigger, it allows you to launch more, it allows you to You know, to put things out.
[00:14:35] And it does come down to the confidence of yourself. So that's why we're gonna start with today's challenge. And then the second thing from like more of a, I suppose it is strategic, but more from like a habitual, is having selling become second nature to you. Like, there's no stories attached to selling, you're not making selling mean anything, you're not making the people receiving the selling mean anything, you're not making stories about how your clients invest, yadda yadda, there's so much that I see going on.
[00:15:07] When you make selling become second nature, the way that, you know, me showing up on stories and selling, me recording the podcast, it's all very second nature to me. for having me. It also kind of eliminates the bullshit that you put around it because it's just habitual. And that's where we want it to, that's where we want you to get, that's where I want you to get with selling, is that habitual behaviour of selling because you train your audience that you sell rather than training your audience that you just give them free value.
[00:15:37] And then sell every now and again, and then they're like, Wait, she hasn't sold for ages, does she sell? I don't, can't remember the last time she sold. Like, psychologically, from an, from an ideal client point of view, you not selling, every day, teaches them that you don't sell every day, basically. And that's kind of more the neuroscience of content, etc, which there is many a podcast on that, which I'll tag in the show notes.
[00:16:01] So yes, we are having a look at the subconscious. Does subconscious reprogramming increase my sales? I can hand on my heart say 100 percent yes it does. I have so many So many experiences, both for myself and for my clients, that it has. Um, so your next challenge is in the show notes. I hope this has opened your eyes to maybe a couple of beliefs that are holding you back around selling right now.
[00:16:27] So you can move forward with this. And yeah, the challenge for this week is super juicy. So I can't wait for you to get into it and start taking some tangible, um, tangible actions moving forwards as well, because like I always say, like, we do the subconscious work and we have to put the tangible, intentional actions behind it for you to move forwards.
[00:16:48] So yes, I will see you on the next podcast episode. I love you lots.
[00:16:52] I love to see you plugging in and listening to the podcast every week. So, whilst you're here, I would love for you to spend a moment sharing your favourite episode, reviewing the podcast, and of course, that juicy 5 star rating. These little acts of kindness really help the podcast reach more incredible powerhouses just like you.
[00:17:17] Now, if we're not connected on Instagram, add me at underscore Rebecca Haydon underscore, and for the full show notes and more resources, head over to RebeccaHaydon. com. I'll see you there.
More about The Subconscious Expert:
Welcome to The Subconscious Expert, the podcast where your subconscious becomes your one-way ticket to the mind-blowing results you desire in your life and business! I’m your host, Rebecca Haydon, The Subconscious Expert who went from being stuck in victim mode to a multi 6 figure business owner. Each week, I will be giving you the subconscious tools and techniques so you can become the woman who is living out her vision with a life and business that she is truly OBSESSED with. I have said it before, and I will say it 100 times again: "Your business can't outgrow your mindset, and if you want to grow your business, it always starts with growing your subconscious." So let's dive into the subconscious breakthrough you so deeply deserve!